Tagging on to my last post, I thought I’d take the moment to encourage all you readers to spend some time thinking about what you might need in order to feel your best. Truly, when was the last time you asked yourself, “What does my ideal day look like?”
Don’t say, “Sipping mai tais in Hawaii.”
What could you do with your every day to make it everything you need? When would you eat breakfast? What would your breakfast consist of? Where would you eat it? How much time would you like to have in the morning before starting your work day? When would you break for lunch? What would you have for lunch? How long would you take for lunch? What would you doing while enjoying your lunch? When might you exercise? What would you do for exercise? What would you make for dinner? What would you do to unwind after dinner? What time would you go to bed? How long would you sleep?
Try it out. See what you come up with. Your goals may be more attainable than you think.
To help get those wheels turning, I thought I’d lay my “perfect day” out on the table:
Wake up at 6:30am. Meditate. Leisurely get ready for work (and don’t flip out because I can’t find anything fabulous in my closet). Make myself breakfast. Yes, a hot breakfast made by me, for me that includes good protein and vegetables. No, I’m not joking. Leave for work in time to get there early (that would be a first). Take lunch at 12:30pm. Enjoy my largest meal of the day with adequate complex carbs, possibly my favorite food group, while socializing with colleagues (I love my colleagues! I hope you do, too.) Get some fresh air and sunshine before going back to my desk. Hit up the yoga studio for an awesome class between 4:30pm and 6pm. Be home in time to kiss my husband hello and take a much deserved post-yoga shower before an uncontrollable appetite for dinner kicks in. Prepare a light dinner packed with delicious greens. Watch a little Glee (those kids crack me up. The Bieber experience? Really, what will they think of next?) or White Collar (it’s not for Matt Bomer. I promise.) Blog. Read. Relax. Meditate. Climb into bed at 11pm, and sleep like a baby until my alarm goes off at 6:30am, and I blissfully do it all over again.
Now it’s you’re turn. Identify your perfect day, and you’re that much closer to living it.
If I had the authority to assign you homework, I would.