Picking right up where I last left off – a little discussion on how equanimity plays into our relationships.
Although equanimity does lead to balance and awareness through an internal calm, it is not at the expense of the external world. That’s where the key word “awareness” comes in. With an equanimitous mind (yes, I’ve fallen in love with that made up word), you aren’t separating yourself from everything and everyone in the world. You’re actually finding a way to better exist in the world, a better way to interact with those in the world, a better way to experience the world. Equanimity allows you to take it all in without judgment, without attachment, without frustration. It creates a better foundation within you so that all of your relationships are born of truth, acceptance, appreciation, and support.
We have to live in this world. Period. We aren’t living on a different plane of existence. Our feet are rooted on this earth, we breathe this air, we drink this water, and we eat these plants. This is our reality. Yoga, mediation, equanimity – these are all tools we employ in order to live in this challenging world as gracefully as we can. They aren’t meant to give us a way out of this world. In fact, I’m beginning to feel as though they provide us a way in – a way to unlock the beauty and mystery in this world. With an equanimitous mind (I’m tempted to turn my usage of this word into a drinking game at this point…), I’m seeing miracles and amazement all around me. Triumphs of human spirit, unending compassion, language from the universe that everything is where it’s supposed to be, how it’s supposed to be, and all I simply have to do is arrive.
Going deeper into how this all applies to our relationships, some questions for you to ponder: how could having an equanimitous mind (drink) prompt you to explore new adventures and new relationships? Could you still find curiosity after finding contentment within? Are you complete as you are, or are you complete in your incompleteness? If the latter’s the case, what would you need to piece together in order for you to find wholeness? Would the collection of those things contradict the idea that everything you need is within? Do you in fact need anything external, or is it all internal?
I would love if these questions prompted discussion for you, whether you have that discussion with yourself, with your loved ones, or with a stranger on a park bench. Without wanting to bias your responses, I will say that my interpretation of these questions is summed up in the opening paragraph of this blog, but there are as many interpretations of what would make an individual whole as there are individuals in this world.
Simply put, I see it this way. Equanimity isn’t just about finding contentment within. It’s also about having enough personal awareness to recognize that there may be people and places outside of yourself that could lead you to greater personal growth.
I’m very curious to hear your thoughts on this topic. My personal growth is enhanced by your exploration of what an equanimitous lifestyle (drink) means to you.