Bauman College Grad Shahla Rashid is a Member and Hero of the Food Allergy Community

Shahla Rashid, Co-Founder of Zestfull & Bauman College Graduate

Shahla Rashid, Co-Founder of Zestfull & Bauman College Graduate

Meet Shahla Rashid. Graduate of Bauman College, creator of My Berkeley Kitchen and co-founder of Zestfull. Shahla is a member, and mother to children in the food allergy community. Using the skills she learned at Bauman College, Shahla is a champion for those with food allergies.

Learn more about Shahla and her story below.

Personally Affected by Food Allergies, Asthma and Eczema

I’m a graduate of the Natural Chef Program (Now Holistic Chef Online Culinary Program) . I came to Bauman College because I became very interested in the role that nutrition plays in improving our overall health.

Also, I chose Bauman College because of its focus on Holistic Nutrition. I loved the instructors and the small class size as well. The program was conducive to my schedule and family life.

Previously, my daughter had undiagnosed health issues which improved over time with a change of her diet. I also wanted to learn how to cook mindfully for people with chronic health conditions.

Coincidentally, my life was personally affected by food allergies, asthma and eczema. Two weeks into the program, my kids were diagnosed with anaphylactic food allergies and asthma.

This diagnosis completely changed my world. The knowledge I received from Bauman College gave me a solid foundation. It also gave me an understanding of food that I could build upon to help them thrive and stay safe.

How to Find Joy In and Out of the Kitchen with Food Allergies

As a result, I created My Berkeley Kitchen, a blog focused on allergy-friendly food with a seasonal, whole foods approach. Through My Berkeley Kitchen, I’ve developed and shared many recipes including stories and tips on how to find joy in and out of the kitchen with food allergies.

My work through My Berkeley Kitchen led to published work in various media outlets such as Cooking Light and Chickpea Magazine along with brand collaborations with Oaktown Spice, Just Date Syrup, SunButter and more. I’m a TenSpeed Press Cookbook Ambassador and serve as a judge for the GoodFood Awards in the Grains Category.

Zestfull logoMost recently I’ve Co-Founded Zestfull which is an organization that focuses on the social and emotional well being of living with food allergies, asthma and eczema.

Our website is a dedicated space where we share lifestyle and travel tips, allergy-friendly recipes, and an educational component for the food allergy community and those wanting to learn more about food allergies. All of our content is produced by people living and/or caring for those with food allergies.

I Love the Variety of My Career

Currently, I work mostly from home as my work is primarily online. I love the variety of my career. Building a business can be challenging but I’ve met many amazing people in the food space along the way.

So many of us are sharing our health challenges to help others. That is something that I’ve been very focused on since I graduated from Bauman College.

Bauman College Gave Me a Foundation

Bauman College gave me a foundation and understanding of how to cook for chronic health conditions using alternative ingredients, plant based, seasonal, organic whole foods. This foundation was very important for me not only personally but in my professional career.

The skills I learned help me to become a better cook and recipe developer. Through my recipes, I’m able to provide solutions for people who needed to live without allergens that could potentially harm them.

The Food World is Infinite

Pursue Bauman College if you really have an interest and passion in food.

Do your research about the program, attend a virtual event to meet the staff and instructors and go for it! You really need to be a self-starter. If you are, then there is so much space to create a variety of work options for you. The food world is infinite!

Connect with Shahla via her websites or on Instagram at @thezestfull or @myberkeleykitchen


Have Work You Love

Get the details on how to pursue a career as a Holistic Chef through Bauman College’s 12-month ONLINE culinary school! Contact us to connect with an Admissions Representative today.