Did you know honey contains all the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes necessary for proper metabolism and digestion of glucose and other sugars? Honey is also readily absorbed for quick energy, aids upset stomachs, and has antibacterial and antiseptic properties traditionally used to heal infections of the respiratory and digestive tract. Honeycomb pollen may even reduce pollen allergies and it’s a great natural alternative to refined sugar.
When purchasing honey, make sure it’s made from the nectar of a single plant, such as “orange blossom” honey. Since the natural enzyme form of hydrogen peroxide in honey is destroyed by heat, make sure to only use “raw” or cold-pressed honey. You can find delicious, single-plant nectar, raw honey from your local beekeeper, local orchards, or in health food stores.
Source: Bauman, E. and Friedlander, J. (2011). Nutrition Essentials for Everyone Workbook. Penngrove, CA: Bauman College Press